
Cyreenik Says

May 2013 issues

Sandy Hook: Ghosts and evil spirits are still with us... and strong!

<sigh> This 11 May 13 LA Times article, Task force: Sandy Hook Elementary should be torn down, rebuilt by Devin Kelly, indicates we have some serious giving in to ghosts and evil spirits thinking going on surrounding the Sandy Hook shooting disaster. The school is going to be torn down and rebuilt in the same place, just so some instinctively fearful people can sleep easier. The article further states that Sandy Hook elementary students have been attending school in a building in a neighboring town since the event.

These kinds of choices are an example of instinctive thinking getting expensive on many levels. Sincerely believing in ghosts and evil spirits (sincerely as in: willing to spend a lot of money, time and attention) is not doing Newtown students or families any favors.

The further expense of doing this is it is slowing down America's growth. Unstead of taking an, "It happened. Live with it."-attitude the Newtown people are spending time, money and attention on feeding superstition surrounding the event. This is time, money and attention that is not being spent on making Newtown, and America, a more productive and prosperous place.

We live in prosperous times, but I'm constantly surprised that we Americans choose to use so much of this prosperity to feed expensive instinctive thinking. This is a perfect example of that.

-- The End --
