
Cyreenik Says

February 2014 issues

Ukraine and Venezuela: Blunders in progress

For weeks now there has been serious protesting going on in the Ukraine. This has been joined by serious protesting going on in Venezuela. In both cases the confrontation is between the government and protesters to government policy choices, and the confrontation has now turned seriously violent.

What has happened here?

In both cases the government has been supporting economic delusions and the chickens are now coming home to roost. In both cases the government still has supporters who are both enthusiastic about sustaining the delusions, and willing to support violence in dealing with "enemies" who want to move towards something more rational.

The delusions in both cases have been economic ones -- the government has been handing out money to supporters that it doesn't have or can't replace. It seems to be that time of the cycle, folks. Argentina could easily get on this bandwagon too, the government there has also been populist and handing out too much. The Argentinean difference is there is no heavy-handed supporter who has a strong interest in sustaining the delusion... so far.


-- The End --
