Roger Bourke White Jr.

Contact information


What's distinctive about Roger Bourke White Jr. stories?


What to look for when you are reading these: Roger's stories have a distinct tone. Roger is careful that his worlds are internally consistent, and that his characters don't act like fools in their worlds. This means his characters develop differently from those in conventional confrontation scripts, the characters are cooperative rather than confrontive, they don't make silly mistakes, and the world they move through doesn't make silly mistakes, either!


The result: these stories are very fun, and very different. They are fresh!


What is available now


Roger has four feature length movie scripts ready:


Roger also has 14 half-hour and 5 hour-long science fiction and fantasy short features, 1 extra-long science fiction feature (171 pages), 11 half hour and two full hour quirky romance features, and 8 20-minute science stories ready to go. See a list here.


Other Fun Facts about Roger Bourke White Jr.



Roger is a careful observer of the human condition, technology and history, and this is what he writes about.


He paid his dues, but he paid them in interesting ways.


Roger Bourke White Jr.'s passion is internally consistent story telling. He hates it when a man is all alone in the big city... and that city has not burned to the ground for lack of a fire department. He hates it when the insane diseased humans chasing him in said big city are alive, even though they haven't eaten for three years. Roger won't tolerate these kinds of mistakes in his stories. (Here are some reviews Roger has written of other movies.)


The result of his passion is very different stories, but still very exciting because, most of all, Roger loves telling a good story.


Here is a select list of Roger Bourke White Jr.'s publications.


Here is more information on Roger's formal education,
professional experience, and certifications.

Roger's Photo

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