


Ray Kurzweil's "The Singularity is Near" is a book I found... resonating is perhaps the best word. I found the topic interesting, the logic compelling, and his extrapolations insightful. All the more so because I'm currently working on a book about life in America in the 2110's, working titled "Child Champs: The World of 2112", and what I'm reading in Singularity is changing what goes into my book.

Singularity got a lot of my attention.

The quick summary of Singularity is that computing power on earth is growing at an exponential rate, and computing power is what earth, and the whole universe for that matter, is all about. Another way of saying this is that the goal of evolution is computing power, and evolution is winning! Big Time!

The body of the book is justifying this assertion and exploring the ramifications of it, in particular the effects on human living of the "GNR revolutions" -- vast changes coming in Genetics, Nanotechnology and artificial intelligence (Robotics).

