
Assignment 07

by Roger White, copyright November 2018


Assignment 7 -- Upload either your corrected assignment 2 or assignment 4 to your e-portfolio. Then, in a few paragraphs, you will write a reflection inside your e-portfolio. The reflection will comment on 1) the process of completing the assignment, 2) how the content of the assignment connects to the other areas of study and 3) how the assignment has contributed to your intellectual growth. Make sure you allow your e-portfolio to be accessible by others. Then, send me a link to your e-portfolio via Canvas or to my email ( so I can verify it.



Here is the link to my e-portfolio.

And what follows is my reflection. (there is also more reflection in Assignment 8)


I like history and keeping up on foreign affairs current events. I've enjoyed them for many decades now. What this class has done is added IR jargon and concepts to my understanding of history and foreign affairs.



--The End--
