Chapter Eleven: Stilling the Hurricane

With Dad's blessing, I reported the results of my meta analysis to the Titan Colony authorities and some other influential people on Titan and Mars. The results proved astoundingly accurate: the five names on my short list were questioned and a "cell" of seventeen plotters was uncovered over the next two weeks.

And... that was it. The whole plot required just seventeen people to hatch and execute. The results were so conclusive that very little myth built up around the Chaser Nuke Incident over the next few years. Instead of becoming the center of a decade long witch hunt that would have scarred civil liberties and Earth-Titan relations, it became just another disaster in mankind's long history of disasters. The calls for expensive programs died down quickly without meaningful action being taken, and both communities returned to business as usual. That quelling of the hurricane was my contribution to the time of chaos.

My contribution is something for which I'm quite proud, and it will probably be my biggest lifetime contribution to advancing humanity, but it's a hard item to list on a resume. And even with the Chaser Nuke incident, I still wanted to be on the Chaser, and I still wanted Sherry and I to be the first ones married there.

As I searched for ways to help that goal, I came up with a surprise. I knew the heat around the Chaser Nuke Incident was going to die down quickly, and I new that my father was planning on leaving First Earth over their part in the incident. I did a meta analysis of who else was likely to be unhappy at First Earth now. The answer surprised me: almost all of my father's old buddies! Hmmm...

I corresponded with my Dad intensively over the next couple months. At first I talked with him about his leaving, and what he would do next. His answer didn't surprise me: he couldn't think of anything that would fill the gap. As we talked about filling the gap, I steadily changed the subject to talk about rejuvenating First Earth -- taking it back from the hysterical radicals that had been taking control of First Earth direction as the stress levels over Chaser had risen. The more we talked, the more he got enthusiastic about doing that instead of leaving.

And... surprise... my second contribution to stilling the hurricane was helping my father decide to stay on at First Earth! He and his buddies stayed, and when it was clear they were staying and would vigorously support moderation, the radicals splintered off instead.

This was good for mankind, and it also turned out to be good for me. I was now an important oddity: a Titaner with Earth support. A year after the Chaser Nuke Incident, I found myself a member of the Social Resources Planning Committee for the Fifth Module, and nominated for Vice-Chairman!