
This story is in my book "Tips for Tailoring Spacetime Fabric Vol. 2" which is now available at Author House -- Amazon -- Barnes and Noble and other fine book sellers, search for "Roger Bourke White Jr."

The Bag

by Roger Bourke White Jr., copyright 2010


The Earth will not always be like it is today, and Homo sapiens will not always be the Earth’s keeper. This is a story of Neohomo sapiens, a technologically advanced successor to H. sapiens, making an astounding archeological discovery.

Note that many cultural references have been translated into early 21st century American English. For instance, Jackson, Christ, and Methuselah are the names of N. sapiens historical or quasi-historical figures, not the ones we’ve heard of, and the language represented as French is not based on a peninsula of what we would call Europe.

On the other hand, rosewood is really rosewood.
